Terms of participation:
Attention 300 Trailers per distance and No inscriptions on the day of the race
The " Trail du Hérou " organization can under no circumstances be held liable for any form of damage whatsoever. The participants must respect the traffic regulations and respect the instructions of the signalers.
You must be in good physical condition if you are participating in a chosen distance from a Trail. It’s the responsibility of the participants to be personally insured in case of injury.
Pictures rights: each competitor expressly authorizes the organizer to use the static images or audiovisuals on which he may appear.
Participants undertake to run in a fair-play spirit.
Cancellation: Any commitment is firm and definitive and cannot be refunded.
In case of cancellation of the Trail du Hérou by the organization, you will be refunded the registration fee. Only the administrative costs will not be taken in charge.
Due to the limited back numbers, changes in distance are not accepted!
Name changes are allowed until Thursday, September 11 nd at 2 o,clook PM!!!